Hi Butch,
I would like to personally thank you for your active participation in the Langara 2016 Fishing Experience. It was such a pleasure meeting all of you face to face – your enthusiasm, energy, and friendly nature made for an incredibly successful event.
I hope that you have all enjoyed a few salmon and halibut BBQs since our return from Langara Fishing Lodge! Please find attached a Dropbox folder with the pictures I took from the trip. Please note that you will need to have/create a Dropbox account in order to access the folder. Once in the folder, each person will be able to download the existing pictures and upload their own pictures for everyone to access. Please be selective with the pictures you upload as there is limited space in the folder. Please also take a few minutes to provide us with your feedback on the Langara 2016 Fishing Experience by accessing the evaluation through the private link we will send you. Your contribution is greatly appreciated! Please feel free to contact me at any time if you are having troubles accessing the Dropbox folder or/and the evaluation. I look forward to connecting with you in the near future.
Warm regards,
Lison Daubigeon
Events Coordinator
Rick Hansen Foundation